Image by Flickr cc I’m tired of being the fish that swims against the stream,
If I tell you something I think you should know, don’t think I’m being mean. Evolution vs. creation, it started in high school. Got an A on my first paper and my teacher learned something new. Philosophy in college, all my papers were a critique. Of what the professors purported, as for the truth I did seek. C.S. Lewis did well arm me, as the Bible I daily read, And the grades I received showed me they believed my ideas were pretty well said. And when parenthood did thrust me into looking at the schools, I heard things alarming, disregarding math facts and phonics rules. Now it’s look, say and whole language, grammar’s got to go. And before you know, I’m teaching at home and learning more than I wanted to know. Next the children are off to high school and I’m working where they attend, Cataloging videos and magazines, so many, it seemed the work would never end. I met a lot of teachers and heard some shocking ideas too, But when I heard sacred things cast down, I knew there was something I had to do. I contacted the bishop, a good and honorable man, He got involved and made things right, and he executed his plan. In time, the kids were leaving and to nursing I was called, I gave the school my notice and I started school in the fall. I really loved the nursing and the pace was pretty fast, I worked a full seven plus years and didn’t know it wouldn’t last. Covid came with many restrictions and for health sake we did comply, Until the vaccination and the mandate, and the just ten days to decide. So now I’m out of nursing, starting a business with my man, And the world’s getting stranger and stranger, but I trust God’s got a plan! Comments are closed.
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