Licensed with Shutterstock Sitting in the corner of my mind, this is what I find. Areas's unexplored, places I am bored. What is my potential? What can be done? If only I will open up my mind to Jesus Christ the Son. Words upon a page, now upon my heart. We have the mind of Christ, that is where we start. The journey isn't over, we must stand up and move. Out of the corner, and away from the ordinary groove. See the sky above, the sea rushing to the shore. This once again reminds us of Who we are living for. Feel the breeze upon your face. God is big. He gives you space. Do not stay sequestered in a tiny room, in front of your computer. Step out into creation, and take a look around. Pursue His majestic handiwork, the mighty mountains or the rushing stream. Step out of your corner and once again begin to dream. Dream--break free. Let go of the tiny little place, so you can begin to grow. When an eagle in the nest no longer fits, it is best--to FLY. Fly high, soar in the sky and be free. Life is all around you, love is in your wings. The corner is too small, you must begin to sing. You must begin to love, you must begin to fly. For you were created for His majesty on high. Stand up and move away, From things that make you paralyzed and keep you tucked away. It is time to break free. Start this very day. If the Son shall make you free, you are free indeed. |
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